Eden Rising

Weapon Synergy

In the previous blogs for Eden Rising we talked about the visual look and feel for the world and the tribe of characters who are exploring it. This week, we’ll discuss something we’re sure everyone is curious about — gear! Because every explorer needs an arsenal of equipment up their sleeve to survive on a planet full of hostile aliens, no?

When you create your character and step into the strange alien world for the first time you’ll notice that there are no hard classes in Eden. Instead, you can customize your gear to suit your needs as you progress. If you’re classically inclined toward the gaming ‘holy trinity’ of tank, support, and DPS then Eden’s got you covered. But you’re also free to mix and match combinations and create something to fit your playstyle.

Check out the playlist of rendered turnarounds on our Youtube Channel!

Armor and weapons work together to create powerful synergies. Choose between speed, stamina, raw power, or support. Each can be upgraded for added effects and improved stats.

Do you enjoy playing a heavily armored, heavy hitter? Put together a tank-y build by pairing up the super tough, but stamina reducing Bone Armor, with a slow swinging hammer. Pull aggro and make each hit count by cracking open an enemy’s armor, allowing your teammates sporting agile weapons like the glaive and spear to dive in and cut it to shreds.

In addition to your personal equipment synergies, there are also synergies that you can take advantage of between tribe members. Equip a ranged weapon and apply a charge to a creature, then have a tribemate hit them with a Polarity Rod to cause an explosive energy discharge for massive damage!

There are even more synergies to discover between your gear and the traps and turrets you can craft. We’ll be discussing these in more depth soon! Combined with six unique weapon families, and multiple armor types in Early Access (and plenty more planned!), there’s tons of options for every explorer taking on the World of Eden.

Each week we will release a new blog post discussing Eden Rising, its development, and upcoming dates. Would you like to learn more about Eden? Make sure to follow us for all the latest updates, concept art, and more!

Exploring Eden
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